- Location
Piazza Tre Torri, Milano - Country
Italia - Year
2013-2019 - Client
CityLife S.p.a. - Property
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.a. - Area
Uffici - Services Offered
Ingegneria Strutturale, Ingegneria Geotecnica - Concept Design
Zaha Hadid
Project description
The Hadid Tower, nicknamed “The Crooked One”, home of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.a., was the second skyscraper in the City Life complex to be built. The tower raises for 192 m above the level of the square, for a total of 44 floors above ground and 3 floors underground.
CEAS carried out the in-progress and final static testing of the structures. The “Crooked One” is characterized by a twisting shape that defines the whole building from the aesthetic and structural point of view. For this type of works, significantly grand and complex, it is convenient to conduct a programmed monitoring of significant quantities that characterize their structural behavior, both during the construction phases and once the project is completed.
In-depth controls are put in place to allow validation of the assumptions raised during the design phase. But also, to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions undertaken during the realization process, gather useful information on the overall behavior of the construction, and monitor the conservation status of the work. These strategies are adopted to ensure effectiveness of the planned maintenance operations and to reach the basic maintenance performance defined in the project.