Code Of Ethics
CEAS’ Code of Ethics expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities in conducting business activities undertaken by the Company’s administrators and employees and constitutes an integral part of the ‘Model of organization, management, and control’ provided for in art.6 D.Lgs. 231/2001 concerning the ‘Discipline of the administrative responsibility of legal entities.’
The Code aims to promote a high standard of professionalism by prohibiting all behaviors that contradict current regulatory provisions and/or the principles that the Company intends to recommend.
The Code is addressed to members of social bodies, employees, shareholders, business partners, external collaborators, who are required to meticulously comply with the norms and rules of conduct contained therein.
The Company’s activities must also be carried out in full compliance with the provisions contained in the code of ethics relating to individual professional figures (professional category organizations, e.g., registries, etc.), category and sector organizations to which the Company also adheres.
All of this falls within the scope of the mission established by the Company, which consists of providing design services and calculation consultancy for civil, structural, infrastructural, geotechnical engineering, architecture, and urban planning, project coordination, integrated design, as well as in the activities of works management, static testing, and coordination of safety on construction sites (Legislative Decree 81/2008), and software production and distribution in the same sectors.
The Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to art.6 D.Lgs. 231/2001 incorporates what is required by Legislative Decree March 10, 2023, no. 24 – Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019 – which recently regulated the protection of individuals who report violations of Union law.
In this context, CEAS Srl has established a Whistleblowing Policy procedure to allow reporting to the Supervisory Body of illicit activities and irregularities, as outlined within the Model, through a dedicated platform – – ensuring the privacy of the whistleblower.
For downloading the Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to art.6 D.Lgs. 231/2001: