Project description

A complete restoration of facades and structural reinforcement has given Torre Velasca a lifespan comparable to what it has already experienced. The intervention, aimed to reconcile the various urbanistic, architectural, and structural functions that coexist within the building, was developed in continuous dialogue with the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio (the local Heritage Protection Authority), under whose constraints the building is regulated. The project included the restoration of all the different aspects that characterize Torre Velasca – from the refurbishment of the internal spaces to the renewal of the plaza, from the facade restoration to the reinforcement of structural capacity, activities all carried out by CEAS.

To recreate the color and texture of the facade, a delicate process led to the creation—in collaboration with Mapei, a historic Italian construction materials company—of a new binder called ‘legante Velasca,’ combining the reproduction of the original hues with attributes of waterproofing and durability. In addition to all the reinforced concrete surfaces, the restoration also addressed the prefabricated elements of the facade, involving the reconstruction of locally deteriorated portions, cleaning, paint integration, and surface protection through a water-repellent treatment. The entire testing and quality control campaign was conducted by Mapei under the supervision of CEAS.

The intervention on the P18 floor’s strut-and-tie system, which allows for the characteristic widening of the upper floors of the tower, aimed at consolidating and controlling the crack pattern identified during the investigation phase to extend the service life of this important structural element. The reinforcement was entirely carried out using carbon fibers, avoiding the introduction of external post-tensioning cables to the existing structures, which would have compromised the tower’s silhouette. CEAS is also in charge of the Structural Construction Supervicion “DL”. Read more about Torre Velasca’s restoration project on the magazine “L’Industria Italiana del Cemento”.